Table of Contents

Using Git for W-phase

How to use Git

Instead of repeating things that were said elsewhere, let us just give some pointers:

Make sure your version of Git is OK

You need to have a version of Git greater or equal to 1.7.10, thus type:

git --version

and if the version number displayed is 1.7.10 or greater everything is OK, otherwise you need to install a more recent version.

One-time configuration for each repository

The W-phase package is hosted as a github repository. To clone the W-phase repository:

git clone wphase_package

If you have an error like

error: The requested URL returned error: 403 while accessing

please make sure to update git to version 1.7.10 or later (see above).

Regular daily usage: master branch (for regular users)

cd /to/the/wphase/directory/
git pull origin master

Regular daily usage: develop branch (for developers)

If you would like to contribute or if you have any questions/suggestions, please contact us.

git branch -a
git pull origin develop
* master
  remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/master

Notice the * character that prefixes the “master” branch: it indicates the branch that you currently have checked out.

git checkout -b develop origin/develop
git branch -v
* develop 308999e Enable python3 compatibility in bin/ (...)
  master  2f33728 Correction numero de version -> r249
git checkout master


git checkout develop
vi some_file.c
git status
git diff
git add files_for_the_next_commit
git commit -m "log message describing the changes"
git fetch origin
git branch -a
git branch -v
git push origin develop
git checkout master
git merge develop
git tag -a rXXX -m "Short description of this release"
git tag
git show r252

Configure ssh-keys for GitHub