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Running SPECFEM3D_GLOBE on the Strasbourg HPC cluster with intel17 and cuda7.5

Setup the environment

Load modules and declare environment variables as follows:

module purge
module load batch/slurm
module load compilers/intel17
module load compilers/cuda-7.5
module load mpi/openmpi-2.0.i17.cuda75
export CUDA_LIB=/usr/local/cuda/cuda-7.5/lib64
export CUDA_INC=/usr/local/cuda/cuda-7.5/include


First make sure that required modules are loaded and CUDA_LIB, CUDA_INC environment variables are declared (see previous section). Create a run directory including directories DATABASE_MPI, OUTPUT_FILES, bin and DATA. In the directory DATA, create CMTSOLUTION, Par_file and STATIONS file (cf., SPECFEM3D_GLOBE documentation).

Change directory to the main specfem3D_globe directory. Copy the Par_file of the run directory into DATA of the main specfem3D_globe directory. You can then run configure:

./configure -with-cuda=cuda5

(the cuda5 option will enable more recent GPU compute capabilities).

Then compile the code:

make clean
make all

Copy binaries to the run directory and backup setup files:

cp bin/xmeshfem3D $rundir/bin
cp bin/xspecfem3D $rundir/bin
cp setup/* $rundir/OUTPUT_FILES/
cp DATA/Par_file $rundir/OUTPUT_FILES/

Link model directories. For example with s362ani:

ln -s DATA/crust2.0   $rundir/DATA/crust2.0
ln -s DATA/s362ani    $rundir/DATA/s362ani
ln -s DATA/QRFSI12    $rundir/DATA/QRFSI12
ln -s DATA/topo_bathy $rundir/DATA/topo_bathy
software/specfem.1490713811.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/03/28 17:10 by wphase